DrugFreeSG Champions are vital ambassadors in Singapore’s fight against drugs. By sharing anti-drug information with our children and youths and starting conversations with them about the dangers and harms of drugs, you can create a ripple effect that strengthens societal resistance against drugs. As a DrugFreeSG Champion, your commitment is crucial in building community awareness and support for a drug-free Singapore.

Training Materials

To empower you, we have developed a comprehensive set of materials that are designed to equip you with essential knowledge for preventive drug education. Keep an eye out for our EDM! You will receive it whenever the materials are available on this page.

Topic 1:
Understand Singapore's Drug
Policy and Laws
Topic 2:
Overview of
Misuse of Drugs Act
Topic 3:
Understanding the
Basics of Drugs
Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3
Click on the images to download

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If you haven't taken our quiz yet, simply scan the QR code below to put your newfound knowledge to the test!

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Make full use of these resources as you drive #DrugFreeSG initiatives!

Playbook for DrugFreeSG Champions

Playbook for DrugFreeSG Champions (PDF, 3.9MB)

A guide to empower you in your advocacy efforts and help you tap on available resources effectively.

Champions may email us at CNB_Community_Partnership@cnb.gov.sg if you wish to request for the video and deck. Each request will be assessed on its own merits.