FAQs about Hemp and CBD oil products
Can I consume cannabis or cannabis products in countries where they are legalised?
Stay away from drugs even when you are overseas. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA), any Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident found to have consumed controlled drugs outside Singapore will be liable for drug consumption offence as if the offence has been committed in Singapore.
The consumption, possession, trafficking, import or export of any controlled drugs (including cannabis, cannabis products or cannabis edibles) is an offence under the MDA. The Central Narcotics Bureau conducts enforcement checks at Singapore’s checkpoints and will take action against those found to have consumed drugs overseas.
Can I import/sell products containing hemp or hemp seed oil?
The botanical name for hemp plant is Cannabis sativa. In other words, hemp is cannabis. This means that all hemp proteins, fibre, seeds, oils etc that are derived from the hemp plant are derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant.
We would like to remind importers, retailers and members of the public that products containing hemp derivatives as an ingredient should not be imported, supplied etc.
Cannabis and its derivatives are listed as Class ‘A’ controlled drugs in the First Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act. In addition, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive chemical substance in cannabis that causes users to feel “high”; there are adverse health impact linked to its use and it is a Class A controlled drug in the First Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Any products derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant or its seeds can contain controlled drugs such as THC despite the product labels indicating otherwise.
Singapore adopts a strict policy of zero tolerance towards controlled drugs. The importation / exportation, possession, sale and consumption of controlled drugs or products containing controlled drugs, even in trace amounts, is an offence under the MDA. The Central Narcotics Bureau will investigate and take necessary action against importers and retailers found dealing in controlled drugs or products containing them.
Can I import/sell products containing CBD oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are cannabinoids commonly found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Many CBD oil products have been claimed to be derived from the hemp plant or hemp seed. Do note that the hemp plant is the plant Cannabis Sativa.
Cannabis and its derivatives are listed as Class ‘A’ controlled drugs in the First Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act. In addition, THC is the psychoactive chemical substance in cannabis that causes users to feel “high”; there are adverse health impact linked to its use and it is a Class A controlled drug in the First Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act.
We would like to remind importers, retailers and members of the public that any products derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant or its seeds can contain controlled drugs such as THC despite the product labels indicating otherwise.
Singapore adopts a strict policy of zero tolerance towards controlled drugs. The importation, trafficking and possession of controlled drugs carry heavy penalties on conviction under the Misuse of Drugs Act. The Central Narcotics Bureau will investigate and take necessary action against importers and retailers found dealing in controlled drugs or products containing them.