Weapons Including Airsoft Pistol Seized, Along with More Than 1.3kg of Controlled Drugs

15 Mar 2023

          In an anti-drug operation conducted on 13 March 2023, officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) arrested three Singaporeans of ages between 22 and 32 years old for suspected drug trafficking offences. During the operation, a total of about 350g of ‘Ice’, 778g of cannabis, 235g of ketamine, 41 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets, 100 Erimin-5 tablets and 50 LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) stamps with an estimated street value of $118,000 were seized. Offensive weapons were also recovered. The seizure of 350g of ‘Ice’ and 778g of cannabis can feed the addiction of about 310 abusers for a week.

2.    CNB officers were deployed around the vicinity of Ubi Ave 1 to follow up on information on a 32-year-old man suspected to be involved in drug trafficking activities. CNB officers raided a unit located around Ubi Ave 1 and arrested a 32-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman. About 345g of ‘Ice’, 778g of cannabis, 235g of ketamine, 41 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets, 100 Erimin-5 tablets, 50 LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) stamps, and various drug paraphernalia were recovered. A large number of weapons including an airsoft pistol, machetes, swords, and knuckle dusters was also seized.

3.      During the course of the operation, another 32-year-old man was arrested in the vicinity of Bukit Timah and recovered 5g of ‘Ice’ and drug paraphernalia was recovered from him.

CNB drug bust 15 March 2023

Photo 1 (CNB): Controlled drugs including ‘Ice’ and cannabis were seized from vicinity of Ubi Ave 1 in a CNB operation on 13 March 2023.

CNB drug bust 15 March 2023

CNB drug bust 15 March 2023

Photos 2 and 3 (CNB): 
Various offensive weapons including an airsoft pistol and pellets seized from the vicinity of Ubi Ave 1 in a CNB operation on 13 March 2023.

4.      SUPT Stanley Seah, Deputy Director of Intelligence Division, said of the operation:

“The operation on 13 March is an example of the dangers that our officers face every day. Drug traffickers may be armed, increasing the risk to our officers. But this will not deter us. CNB officers will remain steadfast in our efforts to prevent drugs from flowing to the streets.”

5.       Under Section 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973, it is an offence for a person, on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of any other person, whether or not that other person is in Singapore, to traffic in a controlled drug, offer to traffic in a controlled drug; or to do or offer to do any act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking in a controlled drug. If a person is found guilty of trafficking 250g of methamphetamine or 500g of cannabis, he or she may face the mandatory death penalty.

6.       Investigations into the drug activities of all arrested suspects are ongoing, and the Police are investigating the 32-year-old man arrested in the vicinity of Ubi Ave 1 for possession of offensive weapons.

15 March 2023