Statement in Response to Media Queries

26 Jul 2022

1. A 50-year-old male Singaporean who was convicted on charges of trafficking in controlled drugs had his capital sentence carried out on 26 July 2022 at Changi Prison Complex. In respect for the family’s wish for privacy, we will not be releasing the name of the person.

2. The person was accorded full due process under the law, and was represented by legal counsel throughout the process. His petition to the President for clemency was unsuccessful.

3. The capital punishment is used only for the most serious crimes, such as the trafficking of significant quantities of drugs, which cause very serious harm, not just to individual drug abusers, but also to their families and the wider society. Capital punishment is part of Singapore’s comprehensive harm prevention strategy that targets both drug demand and supply.


Central Narcotics Bureau
26 July 2022