1 From 15 to 22 May 2020, the Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (NCID) of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) arrested a total of 30 suspected drug offenders (including two Singaporean males, aged 44 and 45) in various parts of Johor and seized 8.4kg of Ice’, 1.29kg of ketamine, 6g of cannabis, 1,430 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets and 105g of ‘Ecstasy’ powder, 108 Erimin-5 tablets, cash of more than RM579,000 and various machinery used in illicit drug production. The drug offenders were from drug trafficking syndicates suspected to have attempted to smuggle drugs into Singapore via courier companies.[1]
2 Working in tandem with NCID, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) mounted simultaneous raids at five different locations in Singapore on 18 May 2020 and arrested a total of six suspected drug offenders (all Singaporeans) and seized 43g of ‘Ice’, two Erimin-5 tablets and an ‘Ecstasy’ tablet. Weapons including three samurai swords, two parangs, three pocket knives and one knuckle duster were also seized at one of the suspect’s residential unit. All six suspects are suspected to be linked to the drug syndicates neutralised by NCID.
3 The six suspects arrested in the operation carried out by CNB on 18 May were:
28-year-old male, arrested in a residential unit in vicinity of Bukit Batok West Avenue 9. The suspect refused to comply with lawful orders of the CNB officers and forced entry was effected.
29g of ‘Ice’, and two Erimin-5 tablets were found within the unit.Three samurai swords, two parangs, three pocket knives and a knuckle duster were also found within the unit.
28-year-old male, arrested in a residential unit in vicinity of Bukit Batok Street 34.
Some packets suspected to be stained with controlled drug and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found on the suspect and in his unit.
25-year-old male, arrested in a residential unit in vicinity of Bukit Batok Street 51.
A small packet of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found within the unit.
50-year-old male, arrested outside a residential unit in vicinity of West Coast Road.
Two small packets of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found in the unit. About 11g of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found in his car.
A 23-year-old female and a 26-year-old male, arrested within a residential unit in vicinity of Kim Keat Avenue.
One ‘Ecstasy’ tablet, found within the room occupied by the 26-year-old male suspect.
25-year-old male, arrested in a residential unit in vicinity of Bukit Batok Street 51.
A small packet of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found within the unit.
50-year-old male, arrested outside a residential unit in vicinity of West Coast Road.
Two small packets of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found in the unit. About 11g of ‘Ice’ and an improvised drug-smoking apparatus were found in his car.
A 23-year-old female and a 26-year-old male, arrested within a residential unit in vicinity of Kim Keat Avenue.
One ‘Ecstasy’ tablet, found within the room occupied by the 26-year-old male suspect.

Photo-1 (CNB): Samurai swords, among a handful of weapons, seized in CNB operation on 18 May 2020.
Photo-2 (CNB): Some of the drugs and drug paraphernalia seized in CNB operation on 18 May 2020.
4 The arrests on both sides of the Causeway is a testament to the close cooperation between CNB and NCID. Both agencies will continue share intelligence in timely fashion and work closely together against transnational drug trafficking activities.
27 MAY