On 4 January 2025, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) conducted an operation which saw the seizure of drugs estimated to be worth more than $1 million and which could potentially feed the addiction of about 4,590 drug abusers for a week. Three men and one woman were arrested. All are Singaporeans.
2. In the afternoon hours of 4 January, CNB officers arrested a 27-year-old man and a 25-year-old man at a carpark in the vicinity of Cassia Crescent. A third suspect, a 25-year-old man, had fled the scene upon witnessing the arrest of the two men. He was arrested following a short pursuit. An offensive weapon was seized from the 25-year-old and the weapon has been handed over to the Police.
3. The first suspect, the 27-year-old, was found to have about 1,855g of heroin, 1,032g of ‘Ice, 98g of ‘Ecstasy’ tablets and 300 Erimin-5 tablets on him. The second suspect, the 25-year-old, was found to have about 136g of ‘Ice’ and 21g of cannabis on him.
4. CNB officers proceeded to raid the suspected hideout of the 27-year-old man, a residential unit in the same vicinity, which led to the recovery of about 73g of ‘Ice’, 21g of heroin, 20 Erimin-5 tablets and a small amount of ‘Ecstasy’ tablets from within the unit. A 25-year-old woman suspected drug abuser was arrested within the unit.
5. A subsequent search of a car in which the first two suspects were arrested next to led to the recovery of about 11.78kg of cannabis, 1,632g of heroin, 923g of ‘Ice’, 877g of ketamine, 234g of ‘Ecstasy’ tablets and 1,200 Erimin-5 tablets.
Photo 1 (CNB): Drugs seized by CNB in an operation conducted on 4 January 2025 in the vicinity of Cassia Crescent.
6. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Aaron Tang, Director Intelligence Division, said:
“Drug traffickers have no concern for the thousands of lives that their deadly ware will destroy had the drugs went onto the streets. CNB has doubled down on our preventive drug education efforts to keep people away from drugs. We made it clear that drugs harm not just the individual but also their families and loved ones. For those who choose not to heed our warnings, CNB will relentlessly pursue them and bring them to justice.”
7. Under Section 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973, it is an offence for a person, on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of any other person, whether or not that other person is in Singapore, to traffic in a controlled drug, offer to traffic in a controlled drug; or to do or offer to do any act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking in a controlled drug. If a person is found guilty of trafficking more than 15g of diamorphine or “pure heroin”, or more than 250g of methamphetamine, or more than 500g of cannabis, he or she may face the mandatory death penalty.
8. Investigations into the drug activities of the arrested suspects are ongoing.
06 January 2025