Execution of a Convicted Drug Trafficker - 4 October 2024

04 Oct 2024

1.        The capital sentence of death imposed on Mohammad Azwan bin Bohari (“Azwan”) was carried out on 4 October 2024.

2.        Azwan, a 48-year-old Singaporean, was convicted of having in his possession for the purpose of trafficking, three packets of drugs which were analysed to be 26.5 grammes of diamorphine, or pure heroin. The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of diamorphine trafficked is more than 15 grammes. 26.5 grammes of diamorphine is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 320 abusers for a week.

3.        Azwan was accorded full due process under the law, and was represented by legal counsel throughout the process:

a. Azwan was convicted and sentenced to capital punishment on 11 February 2019.

b. He appealed against his conviction and sentence, and the Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal on 24 October 2019.

4.        Azwan’s petitions to the President for clemency were unsuccessful.

5.        Capital punishment is imposed only for the most serious crimes, such as the trafficking of significant quantities of drugs which cause very serious harm, not just to individual drug abusers, but also to their families and the wider society. 

Central Narcotics Bureau
4 October 2024