The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) launched its inaugural community roadshow at Bedok Town Square today. The roadshow aims to enhance awareness of the anti-drug cause, as well as promote the adoption of a drug-free lifestyle and advocacy for a drug-free Singapore.
2. During the roadshow, Mr Amrin Amin, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health, launched the Drug-Free Zone decal. The decal was designed by Assumption Pathway School student Muhammad Syukur bin Muhammad Faizal, as part of the Drug-Free Zone campaign which aims to promote and spread the anti-drug message to the community. More than 100 community volunteers and Home Team officers distributed these decals to members of the public and businesses in the vicinity as well as in Bukit Batok, Clarke Quay, Pasir Ris and Tampines. Our United Against Drugs Coalition (UADC) partners, such as Shalom Movers and Singapore Post, also displayed these decals on their respective fleet of vehicles and premises in support of the cause.

Photos 1 & 2: Shalom Movers and Singapore Post, both partner organisations under the United Against Drugs Coalition (UADC), putting up the decals on their companies’ vehicle.
3. The roadshow is being held from 7 – 8 April 2018), from 11am to 7pm. Key highlights are as follows:
Live Demonstration of CNB’s Operational Capabilities
Members of the public get a rare chance to observe CNB’s operational capabilities during the live demonstration and understand how CNB enforcement officers operate effectively to keep Singapore drug-free.
Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Zone
Visitors go through an interactive audio-visual experience to learn more about the harms of drug abuse through VR, and better appreciate Singapore’s drug control efforts.
Movie Screening of ‘A Street Cat Named Bob’
‘A Street Cat Named Bob’ depicts the story of a 33-year-old busker and homeless heroin-addict who turned his life around with the support of a cat he adopted.
Pet Therapy Sessions
Individuals can relieve stress and alleviate anxiety by spending quality time with domesticated animals. This activity is carried out under the guidance of volunteers from Therapy Dogs Singapore.
Pledge Collection Zone
Members of public can pledge their support for the anti-drug cause by folding anti-drug ribbons to represent a collective resolution to keep Singapore drug-free.
Photos 3 & 4 (CNB): Parliamentary Secretary Amrin Amin partnering with CNB’s Special Task Force officers in a live demonstration.

Photo 5 (CNB): Parliamentary Secretary Amrin Amin flagging off youth and community volunteers for the distribution of the Drug Free Zone decals.

Photo 6 (Ministry of Home Affairs): Performance by Team Ayza, winners of Danceworks! 2017.

Photo 7 (CNB): A member of the public at the virtual reality booth experiencing the impact of one’s decision relating to drug abuse.

Photos 8 & 9 (CNB): Members of the public folding the anti-drug ribbon to pledge their support for a drug-free Singapore.

Photo 10 (CNB): Our youth advocates from the Anti-Drug Advocates (ADA) Programme sharing drug-related information with members of the public at the community roadshow. The ADA Programme equips youth advocates with the knowledge to spread anti-drug messages and galvanise the support of their peers.

Photo 11: Members of the public at the Pet Therapy Zone enjoying the company of pets as a healthy and drug-free alternative to relieve stress.

7 APRIL 2018