CNB Annual Statistics 2021

10 Feb 2022

Singapore remains steadfast in adopting a comprehensive drug control strategy that tackles both drug supply and demand. This is done through preventive drug education (PDE), tough anti-drug laws, rigorous enforcement, international engagement, and rehabilitation and aftercare of drug offenders.

In 2021, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) conducted intensive enforcement operations that resulted in the dismantling of 25 drug syndicates. CNB also worked closely with other Home Team agencies to conduct more than 100 joint operations, including at the checkpoints, to intercept attempts to smuggle drugs into Singapore.

While the number of drug abusers arrested in 2021 decreased by 11%, this is likely due to restricted social interactions arising from COVID-19 measures. Indeed, because of COVID-19 travel restrictions, drug trafficking syndicates have continued to look for novel ways to bring drugs into Singapore. Drug seizures remained high in 2021 and are indicative of CNB’s effective enforcement efforts.

There were several other worrying trends in 2021 – the proportion of new drug abusers arrested remained high at 34%, and the proportion of new drug abusers arrested who were under 30 years old remained significant at 60%.

CNB continually reviews our anti-drug strategy to stay ahead of the evolving drug landscape. The First Schedule to the Misuse of Drugs Act was further expanded in May 2021 to cover more drugs.

Singapore adopts a harm-prevention approach to deal with the scourge of drugs. Our approach has worked well for our context and has helped keep the drug situation under control. CNB will continue to keep up our efforts to prevent drug abuse, and keep Singapore drug-free for future generations.


Click here to view the full statistical report.

Click here for an overview of CNB’s Preventive Drug Education and community engagement efforts in Year 2021.

*2021 figures for statistical report are confirmed as at 10 June 2022.