More Than 2kg of Heroin Seized; Drug Seizure Sufficient To Feed 1,100 Abusers For A Week

27 Apr 2022

Officers from Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) arrested three Singaporean men, aged between 20 and 22, for suspected drug activities on 26 April 2022. A total of about 2,312g of heroin, with a total estimated street value of $162,000, were seized during the operation. The seizure of 2,312g of heroin can feed the addiction of about 1,100 abusers for a week.

2. In the afternoon of 26 April, CNB officers arrested a 21-year-old man in the vicinity of Eunos Crescent. In follow-up operations, CNB also arrested two other men, aged 20 and 22, who were believed to be associates of the 21-year-old. CNB officers then escorted the 21-year-old man to a locked riser in the vicinity of Eunos Crescent and using a key found on him, officers unlocked the riser and recovered about 2,312g of heroin.

Photo 1 (CNB): A bag containing about 2,312g of heroin recovered from a locked riser in the vicinity of Eunos Crescent in a CNB operation conducted on 26 April 2022.

Photo 2 (CNB): Five bundles containing about 2,312g of heroin were recovered in the vicinity of Eunos Crescent in a CNB operation conducted on 26 April 2022.

3. Under Section 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973, it is an offence for a person, on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of any other person, whether or not that other person is in Singapore, to traffic in a controlled drug, offer to traffic in a controlled drug; or to do or offer to do any act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking in a controlled drug. If a person is found guilty of trafficking more than 15g of pure heroin (diamorphine), he or she may face the mandatory death penalty. 

4. Investigations into the suspects’ drug activities are ongoing.

5. CNB remains committed in keeping Singapore safe from the harms of drugs and inhalants. Everyone in the community can play their part in protecting our youths from the harms of drugs. More information and useful toolkits on how to spot warning signs of potential drug problems, as well as how to effectively engage young people to stay drug-free can be found on the CNB website ( 

6.         Parents can contact the CNB hotline at 1800-325-6666 for advice and assistance if you suspect or are worried that your children may be involved with drugs. Members of the public who have drug-related information can make a report to CNB by calling 1800-325-6666 or at


27 April 2022