Media Statement on Local F&B Establishment “ESCOBAR”

09 Feb 2018

            Early this week, it was brought to the attention of the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) that a local F&B establishment had named and themed itself around the deceased leader of the Colombian Medellin drug cartel, Pablo Escobar.


2.         The theme, logo and interior design of an F&B establishment are not governed under the SPF’s licensing conditions for public entertainment outlets.  However, that Pablo Escobar’s name and image are being used to promote the bar is highly objectionable and runs counter to Singapore’s zero tolerance approach towards drugs and our efforts in preventive drug education.  The glamorisation of a drug kingpin and associated drug use is irresponsible.


3.         CNB and SPF have spoken to the owner of “Escobar”, who has agreed to remove all references to drugs and Pablo Escobar at the bar.  CNB and SPF will monitor closely to ensure that the necessary rectifications are carried out.


4.         CNB and SPF take a serious view of individuals or establishments that put up displays or references which glamorise drug use or criminal activities. While we acknowledge that some businesses may adopt certain themes or associations as part of their marketing strategy, this should be done in a manner consistent with Singapore’s policies to keep our country safe and secure.